Keys to Life Team


Shirley Mae Springer Staten

Executive Director 

I was raised in Moultrie, Georgia. Moultrie was a segregated town. The divide was very visible when I grew up – blacks on one side and whites on the other. I wanted to figure out how to make that transition different and step across that divide myself.  This divide has influenced most of my work in the world.  I enjoy participating in the process of supporting projects. For me working with people in a collaborative process gives me an opportunity to step across the invisible line that divides us. 

In 2014, I began to envision cross-cultural opportunities for our community. Amber Frizzell and Jonathan Samuel and I sat in my living room and began the process of mind mapping the vision for Keys to Life. The first program was Camp Kaleidoscope. Then came the first Hiland Mountain Lullaby program. Keys to Life helps us all step across the divide as we learn about the many cultures in our community.



Board of Directors



Susan Reilly

Board CO-President 

I believe that different voices and different cultures make vibrant communities.  With a background in the performing arts, I have seen the impact that hearing the stories of others has on people, young and old.  My years in the theatre community have allowed me to work with creative people of all ages across the neighborhoods in our community and I have seen the power of collaboration.  I hope to contribute my artistic energy and my curiosity to help Keys to Life grow and I appreciate the opportunity to do so.

I was immediately struck by the last sentence of Keys to Life’s vision statement, and I think it probably explains my involvement on the board better than anything else I can say: “…We see a place where individuals are at home in their own cultures within the larger Alaska community, and feel valued, respected, and central to the community’s identity and well-being.”



Jennifer Spencer


Born in Brooklyn, New York, Jennifer brings her unique experience in planning events as a previous Student Activities and Commuter Programmer manager. She has held the position as Co-chair of Hunger and Homelessness Support Network and developed sustainable solutions for UAA students in need of food and housing support. She has also helped conduct research on the UAA campus about food and housing insecurities. She is passionate about creating housing opportunities for individuals and families. Jennifer’s passion is to continue to promote diversity in the Anchorage community and beyond.



In Transition


This position is in transition.



Duff Pfanner


Retired from a 52-year career in Public Health, Duff’s first assignment by the Centers for Disease Control was with the Watts Health Center in Los Angeles. Each subsequent assignment, in Salem, Oregon and Anchorage, Alaska, brought new interactions and sensitivity for very diverse communities. His experience and skills in the financial management aspects of health care help him in his service as Treasurer for Keys to Life.



Victoria Shaver

Fundraising Committee

Victoria joined the Keys to Life board because she believes in connecting and building community. She says, “To me, that means spending time with people and seeking out cultures beyond your own. Diversity and equity need action and cultivation. Being a part of Keys to Life is a way to be a part of this important work.”



Jonathan Ng

Technology Committee

Jonathan (he/him) was born and raised in New York City (originally Munsee Lenape lands) and recently graduated with his Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Film Studies in 2021 from Boston College. Growing up in spaces overfilled with rich cultures and breadth of walks of life, Jonathan has vehemently joined Keys to Life Alaska to further the significance of bridging together stories, values, virtues, practices, and traditions across the plethora of cultures that Alaska has to offer.



Kate Wedermeyer

Fundraising Committee

Kate Wedemeyer describes Shirley Mae Springer Staten’s creative Keys to Life projects as “simply inspiring”. Kate feels privileged to join the Keys To Life Board to support and actively participate in the continuing array of dynamic programs that contribute to increased understanding of social justice and equality through art and sharing with members of the many diverse cultures that make up our city.


Members at Large

Melissa Craig

(Bio coming soon)

Sulafa Azrag

I am interested in being a Keys to Life board member because I am passionate about supporting the youth of Alaska with cultural exposure and promoting inclusivity in our society. I firmly believe in the mission and values of Keys to Life and the positive impact it has on the lives of individuals in our community.

Through my experiences, I have developed a strong understanding of the challenges and barriers faced by minorities and the progressive mind our generation holds. I believe that being a board member would allow me to contribute my experiences and perspectives to help shape and guide the organization's strategies and initiatives.

Diana Burch

It feels right to join the board of Keys to Life at this time. I have time and commitment to help bring our community closer through engagement in fun, collaborative events. Learning about other cultures brings us all closer together and strengthens our community. I’m happy to serve where I can.

Jayly (JJ) Jackson (he/him)

I chose to become a Keys to Life Board Member to continue to serve my community. As an artist myself I've seen how art can transform the world and bring people together. In a world where it's so easy to disconnect from one another it gives me so much hope to see Keys to Life taking a stand to bring the community together. I look forward to working with Keys to Life with the goal of brightening the world with art, hope, and light."

Francisco Mercado

I am very excited to join the board of Keys to Life. There were a couple of reasons why I wanted to join the board and be a part of this exciting organization. Firstly, I believe in the core mission of Keys to Life. The arts and music can have a major impact on the community. When you have a community surrounded by music and the arts, it can transform the people and their lives for the better. Lastly, I see the work that Keys to Life does in the community, and I want to be a part of it. I have seen the impact of the work from firsthand knowledge.

Heather MacAlpine

For several years, I have been hearing about the good work that Keys to Life is doing in the community. From the Lullaby project at Highland Correctional to the delightful photos and stories of the children at the Loussac library, I was constantly greeted by reminders that a small group can do big things. When I received the email that the board was seeking members something just touched my heart and said maybe it’s time for you to be a part of this. Coming from a musical family, I am aware of the impact that music and the Arts can have both to heal and to bring people together. I am truly delighted to be a member of this body I’m looking forward to what comes next for Keys to Life.

Liana A. Fuentes

This world in which we live is complicated and sometimes unforgivable. You must go to work daily and face the hardships of traffic, social interactions, and family issues. When you are a minority and a working class, these issues are more relevant and challenging. I have been working with at-risk youth for many years, the majority homeless and deprived of the necessities. Seeing their struggle firsthand and how society treats them breaks my heart. When I encountered Keys to Life, I saw kindness, understanding, and love for the ones forgotten, used, and abandoned by all. Keys to Life is an organization that brings joy and appreciation to them. This portion of their mission statement caught my attention: “We imagine a community where opportunities for meaningful cross-cultural interactions and learning based on our shared human experiences abound.” It is what we need. We need a world, community, and organization that allows everyone, especially the less fortunate ones, to shine and aspire to succeed without barriers and because of their differences.

I decided to apply to the Keys to Life board because I believe in what they do. I have seen and experienced what acceptance and love do to people. Thank you for considering my application and allowing me to participate in the change.